Hello Fellow Earthlings! Humans, Bacteria, Virus and everyone else.

Is there such a thing as a revolting DNA? Probably!

Over the last decade, the cells in my body have made existence into a bit of a challenge for me. No, this is not a whining person’s journal who has a physically or emotionally crippling disease. Far from it. I was just trying to ponder over the choice of the name. Is the DNA really revolting? And if so, against what? We will find out sooner or later as we go along. I think the Universe was created in perfect harmony and so was everything in it. I am not religious, I am rather agnostic. But I still feel strongly about the perfect harmony in nature. A human body is a mini-universe in a way and it is no less a miracle than the big bang. Right from the time when the fastest one reaches the egg and how the cells decide who is going to be the nails and who is going to be the eyes. Nature at work! Many a times, it does not turn out as intended and that’s how stuff like auto immune and other hereditary diseases creep in. Is the DNA revolting against the disease or is it an ally allowing the disease to permanently alter the DNA so it could imprint those imperfections in future editions?

Well, I have been living with psoriasis for two decades and lately with psoriasis arthritis. There are vague mentions of fibromyalgia and the consequent emotional distress. But don’t worry. I am an alpha at work and I love what I do for a living. I have way too many hobbies and interests that I’d rather talk about. I just wanted to lay the cards on the table, as far as the name goes.

I want to talk about why such imperfection exist in an otherwise perfect universe. I also want to talk about how to live with imperfections. Any ailment that causes emotional distress (auto immune, cancer, depression, anxiety disolders) puts you at a competitive disadvantage in society. You have to work harder, study harder, be stronger and shift your focus away from the disability to every day life and the little joys of life. Survival of the fittest, I hear Darwin screaming his lungs out. With no disrespect to him, God help the fittest ‘cuz not only am I going to survive but I am going to live a very fulfilling life.

I love reading science books. I just put down Mind of God by Paul Davies after the  20th read or so and picked up Stephen Hawking – The Grand Design. Not the fittest human being around but who else can talk about physics with such clarity and wit?